Seedling give-away at Frogtown Farm!

Saturday, May 26th from 10:00am to 1:00pm

FREE transplants/seedlings grown by Frogtown Farm for neighbors!


A preview of the fun:

~Bird walk with Frogtowner, Sally Heuer, from 10-11am!     ~Music   

~A glimpse of the first produce that will be available from Market Saturday's starting in June


946 Minnehaha Avenue West, St Paul, MN 55104

The park and farm is accessible on foot, bike, bus and Greenline. Street parking is available around the park and farm - please park on the street and plan for a walk up the hill. There are 4 handicap-accessible parking spots available up the driveway with access from Minnehaha Avenue, and these spots are reserved for those with low accessibility. 

No RSVP needed. For further information, please contact Frogtown Farm at or call (651) 600-3414


seedling giveaway flyer.png