– Event Calendar –
In June of 2021, six St. Catherine University faculty members stood on the grounds of Frogtown Farm, 13 lush acres of green space in the otherwise industrialized heart of St. Paul, mesmerized by the words of co-founder Soyini Guyton as she painted the vision for this sacred space meant to cultivate soil and community. The two-week summer workshop on community-engaged teaching through the Center for Community Work and Learning inspired Ambria Crusan, PhD, RD, LD, and Rafael Cervantes, PhD, to bring their respective CORE classes back to the Farm this fall.
Frogtown Farm, which has grown and distributed more than 40,000 pounds of fresh produce over the past four years, will not plant or harvest a vegetable crop in 2020. Soyini Guyton, a farm co-founder and board chairwoman, said officials decided they are unable to follow protocols to sterilize equipment and maintain safe distances, and the farm refuses to put workers and volunteers at risk.